5 Useful Tips to Maintain Your Roof

The roof of the house is constantly subject to external aggression. Polluted air, sun, precipitation, storms, hail, UV radiation – all these lead, over time, to the degradation of the cover. Although the materials intended for the construction of the roof are made to last for quite a long time, extreme climatic conditions can diminish their lifespan. In the absence of proper maintenance, the roof may require extensive repair work or even premature replacement, leading to financial and precious time losses.

The maintenance of the roof is therefore essential to prevent the appearance of damage, both at the functional and aesthetic level, and it must be done periodically.

5 useful tips to maintain your roof:

  1. Check the condition of the roofing nails and gaskets around them

If nails are lost or missing, and gaskets have been damaged, water can seep into the roof structure, causing damage. The next step is for tiles or shingles to come off and be taken away by the wind…

  • Always check if there are broken tiles, or detached/ cracked shingles.

This is one of the most important steps when it comes to roof maintenance, because such damage is the most common cause of water infiltration, damage to the anti-condensation film and damage to the roof structure, walls and rooms underneath.

  • Make sure your roof ventilation system is working at optimal parameters

The space between the roof covering and the frame can be very badly affected by humidity and excessive heat. Keeping the air vents open and avoiding them being clogged with debris, which would not allow air to circulate properly, are essential steps that will make the difference in terms of maintaining the condition of your roof. Although, for many people, the proper ventilation of the roof does not seem such a significant aspect, roofing specialists guarantee that it can bring notable differences in terms of comfort in your own home.

  • Keep your pluvial system free of debris

Water resulted from precipitation must be drained safely and efficiently, so that it does not stay on the roof, or leak down the walls and infiltrate the basement. This is why the drainage system is so important. Gutters collect the water around the roof perimeter, direct it to the downspouts, which evacuate it away from the building. A drainage system in poor condition allows water infiltrations and other problems arising from this. Make sure it is not rusted, has no lose components and is free of debris that may clog it.

Because the field of construction is complex, technical information can be difficult to learn and remember. Besides, not all people have technical skills, so dealing with roof maintenance on their own would be too difficult.  It is vital for the safety of the roof and of the building`s occupants that these operations are carried out by a specialized team, capable of detecting even the slightest damage, which perhaps would go unnoticed for someone who does not know exactly what to look for.